Welcome new members!
Thank you for your interest in the Libertarian Party. As you know, the Republicans and Democrats have had a stranglehold on the politics of America for far too long. I bet that’s why you’re here. Many say we’ll never win. If people keep saying that, we won’t. But now that you’re here, that can change.
Over twenty thousand people have registered Libertarian in New Jersey. That’s a great start, but we need to work harder to get more people to end the Duopoly. We need to get more to join the NJLP (ww.njlp.org). It’s not going to happen overnight. But with every person who does what you did today, we take one step closer to our goal. We need all liberty-minded people to help us reach our goals. By joining the NJLP (and the National Party www.lp.org) and donating. You help us with our political outreach.
Also, it’s really important for Libertarians to think about running for political office. We know that not everyone is cut out for that, but it’s something to think about. We’re not talking about running for President (unless you have a few million in the bank), but school boards and town councils are offices we need to fill with Libertarians. We also need people to run for party offices.
Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. Lets just get you involved. We have meetings in the South every first Thursday of the month at the Empire Diner in Brooklawn, NJ (location is subject to change with notice). We also are building our county committees. Feel free to contact us directly. info@sjlp.org